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Client Login

Welcome to Titan Private Wealth's Web Access


Cookie Policy

About cookies on Titan Private Wealth Client Web Access
  • 'Cookies' are small text files that are saved on your computer to help the site perform a number of functions. We use cookies for one reason: they allow us to keep you secure when you log in to your online account. Session cookies are stored on your computer and remain available for the duration of your visit to our website. When you close your browser, any session cookies that have been set will be automatically removed from your computer’s memory. Strictly necessary cookies are cookies that are essential in providing specific services you have requested from us, for example maintaining a logged-in session on our website.
  • Using browser settings to manage cookies
    Most web browsers allow you to manage cookies via the browser settings. For example you may choose to delete existing cookies, prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie or disable cookies altogether.
  • By using our website you are agreeing to the placement of cookies on your computer.

Terms of Use

  • This service is for existing clients of Titan Private Wealth but the responsibility for the security of your logon and account details rests with you. If these details are compromised please inform us and change your password immediately.
  • The internet is not a completely reliable medium and there may be times of inaccessibility due to events beyond our control, technical problems or necessary site maintenance. In using this service, you agree to hold Titan Private Wealth blameless from all consequential losses you may suffer directly or indirectly.
  • Using this service does not modify, extend, change or alter any existing investment agreements you have with Titan Private Wealth.
  • Contract notes are normally visible the day of the transaction and your valuation will also be updated the same day.
  • Where more than one person's account is visible under the same login, we assume that all have given their permission for their accounts to be viewed by the primary user as 'connected accounts'. If you have not given permission for this or your circumstances have changed and you no longer want your accounts to be viewed by a third party, please inform us immediately.
  • The information available is subject to change without notice. Neither Titan Private Wealth nor any other person involved with the provision and maintenance of this service takes responsibility for the accuracy of the information available.
  • Security prices are indicative only. They normally represent the previous business day's closing middle price and do not imply that any particular investment can be traded at that price. Purchases will be updated on your valuation the same day but will show a valuation price from the previous day's close and not the purchase price.
  • Partners and employees of Titan Private Wealth may invest, or have positions, in any of the securities held in your account(s).
  • The price of investments and dividends paid on them may fall and you may get back less than you invested.
  • We regret that no dealing instructions can be taken over the internet.
  • We reserve the right to withdraw this service from any individual client(s) and the service entirely without reason or notice. Please note this service is not available between the hours of 24.00 and 04.00 for overnight processing reasons.
  • For further information, please contact your usual contact at Titan Private Wealth.
By continuing to log in you accept the use of cookies and our terms of use.
Please read our cookies policy and terms of use.
Click to read our cookies policy and site terms & conditions

Your Account Security is important to us, please keep your password safe and do not disclose it. Only individuals who have a Titan Private Wealth account or authorised client web access should proceed from this point. Any unauthorised attempt to access client account information will be monitored and subject to legal action.

If you have forgotten your username or your password please contact support.
You must have your account id (e.g. WEBA12345B) available.

You are not currently logged in. If you were previously logged in the system may have timed your session out as a security measure. None of your information has been lost as a result of this procedure.